Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Done Tax Filing With TaxAct

How about you guys? Have you filed your tax returns yet? Did you hire someone to do it for you? Hubby have been using TaxAct for years already except last year because we hired a lady to do it  and it cost us $50. The husband said we are not gonna do it ever again. So we are back to TaxAct and it only cost us $12 point something.

We helped a Hispanic couple filing their tax returns with TaxAct and I was surprised when they were not asked for a Credit/Debit card number. Apparently, it was free being first time users with TaxAct. They said a friend helped them file last year but that friend had moved to another state. They recalled that the other year they hired an office in Tonopah and it cost them $80. Hubby and I are happy to be of help to them.

It is easy to prepare tax returns online. Just make sure you have all the documents ready and just follow the directions. You can use TaxAct, TurboTax, etc. You can also hire professionals like H&R Block, Jackson Hewitt, etc.

Enjoy your Tax refund but spend it wisely!  Thank you for dropping by. Have a good one!

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