I learned that Japanese people are fashionistas and very particular with brand names. And it is in Japan that you would see many second hand shops of Designer bags, clothes, jewelry and what not. One day I bumped into a live online seller and I got hooked. I have followed few online sellers from Japan since then.
I have made blogs about three Japan online sellers years ago because I bought stuff from them. This time I am sharing my recent favorite online sellers to watch. I haven't bought from them yet but I like to watch them while doing some chores like washing dishes, cooking, etc. to be entertained only since buying designer purses is not in my bucket list anymore. If it was a gift I would definitely accept it, hehe! In fact, my first Louis Vuitton bag was a gift from my son when he received his first paycheck as a MedTech in US.
Grancha Kauzo Luxury bags.
They offer free shipping worldwide except Philippines via DHL and they accept payment thru PayPal only. There are 3 sellers who take turns selling live; Mitch or Mitchang, Mark and Gil. Mitch is fun and energetic, very detailed and will skip an item if she would see any flaw that doesn't pass her taste.
Screen shot grabbed from her latest live selling video |
Mark and Gil are both very cool, humble and the way they talk, they look and sound like they don't know how to get mad, lol!
Max's Brand Name Live.
I am not sure if they offer free shipping or not. They accept PayPal but they prefer Wisely Pay. I have heard Wisely Pay thru ADP, the company that process my paycheck. I never used it but it is legit. Max has a very pretty online seller named Chen.
Screen shot grabbed from one of her previous live selling videos |
The House of Luxury
I did not really know her payment options. She is funny in a sarcastic way and she looks like Filipino actress Glaiza de Castro. I like her choice of bags. She doesn't sell ugly bags and I think she priced them pretty fair too.
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Screen shot grabbed from her previous live |
These are the live sellers from Japan who amused me. Find them on Facebook, follow them and get hooked like me!
By the way, we Filipinos love branded stuff too, yeah? Thanks for dropping by!
Have a high vibration day!
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