Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I have had read different weird personal ads on the paper many times but this one really caught my attention and made me say "ayayay!"

Missing Connection 

Looking for handsome brunette male who was in line at the Customer Service counter at Walmart around 12:30pm on June 22.  I am the redhead. We talked about my cats and the dust buster I was returning. I thought for sure you would ask for my number but you didn't, so here it is 123-456-6789. Ask for Hillary.  (I changed the phone number and the name to protect the lady.)

She is an example of a liberated American girl/lady.

I have showed this ad to my son and his reaction was "We don't have that in the Philippines, do we? Poor girl, she must be desperate..!" 

I agree with him. 

Well, I posted this ad for a change of topic :D

Thanks for hopping!


  1. HAHAH what if someone else calls? or she gets a lot of weird calls??? hahah seems really desperate.

  2. awww.. dust buster. lol. "Redhead" sounds hot to me. :D

  3. For real? Hilarious, if it is!

    Is this a paid ad btw? Was thinking, if it were a free ad, it's probably some prank. ;)

  4. ^I think it is a paid ad sis. It is under "Personal ads". Hmm.. I will call the paper's office to make it sure, how about that? lol!


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