Monday, March 10, 2014

Applying for a US Passport

I should have applied for my US Passport as soon as I got my citizenship last October 2012 but I had a hard time squeezing my time when I was still working at an Eye clinic in Winnemucca, Nevada. And in Winnemucca, you need to set an appointment with the Post Office staff who will act as Administering Officer. In Tonopah, Nevada, I just walked-in (I called them first though) bringing with me my supporting documents as follows: 

Unsigned, properly filled-out application (printed legibly using black ink only)
Certificate of Citizenship- need to send it in with the application
Driver's License or State ID
Check worth $110.00  for the passport fee to the Department of State
$25.00 for the administering fee-this fee goes to Tonopah coffer

Before I signed the application, the Administering Officer carefully reviewed the application first to make sure that I filled out every box correctly, and instructed me to say yes or no while reading the "oath", you know those stuff like, "I am a US Citizen, I have submitted a genuine photograph, so and so". She also said that if the US Passport Processing center has a question or concern, they will address it to me directly. 

That's all. I walked-in around 12:44 at noon, I was done at 1:00pm or so. No hassle. It's that easy.

I am excited for my new US passport and for my Certificate of Citizenship to be sent back to me.

Thank you for visiting my site. 

Have a good one!

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